It was a dark and drizzly evening, and my GPS sent me to the wrong place at least three times. Where was I headed? To an overnight paranormal investigation extravaganza that my wonderful friend Beth Hilliard won in a charity auction. Six of us met up with the husband and wife team who run the Lexington Paranormal Research Society at an undisclosed location. They brought gadgets and ghost detecting gear; we brought wine, deviled eggs, and pizza. And more wine. And I also brought cupcakes that I stuck little bloody hatchet cake decorations in.
This video is my lean 90 second condensed trip through some highlights I captured — we split into groups and mine was Beth and my friend (and baker genius) Alex Narramore (seriously, click the link). You can see we toured different areas in the dark, led by our guide, and were…somewhat behaved. The electronics on display were to detect potential ghostly activity. We thought surely we’d driven the team bonkers, but they invited us to participate in future investigations if we want. (I doubt I can stay up until 4:30 a.m. again anytime soon, but it’s nice to be asked!)
Anyway, enjoy. Were there any ghosts? Don’t ask me. I’m just glad I had salt in my shoes and friends at my side.
I did take some extremely creepy photos there.

Reminder! And Raffle!
The Lexington Writer’s Room Open House is tomorrow, Friday, during Gallery Hop from 6 - 8 p.m. We’ve also put together some raffle deluxe gift baskets that you can buy tickets for online or in person. Full details on all of it here.
AND both Christopher and I will be at Books by the Banks in Cincinnati on Saturday. I’m on the Next Book Club Pick Panel at 11 a.m. with Abby VanDiver (writing as Abby Collette and Cade Bentley), Jessica Strawser, and Judith Turner-Yamamoto. Come by and get some books signed — last event before the holidays!
And then Sunday: WOOFIE DAY. After I will be puppy wrangling and writing my way through the rest of the year.
More soon! Stay clear of ghosts and things that go bump in the night!
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