I know, I know! I’ve been way too absent here. First, I was desperately trying to finish a book before we left for Clarion. Then, we got Covid! Surprise! It sucked! But we got over it in time to go teach the sixth week of Clarion, which was a SUPER rewarding experience and I can’t wait to see what these amazing writers do. Well, we mostly got over it — we’ve been a little slower to hit the ground running since we got home, and I think some of it is pushing it a little too hard too fast (it is not just a brand, it’s a lifestyle ;)… Anyway, I have most of the month left to finish the book now thanks to a well-deserved vacay on my editor’s part, so ducking in here in the meantime.
While we were away, I got to announce a new series deal with my beloved Tiffany Shelton at St. Martin’s. Tiffany IG messaged me one night this spring and was like, have you ever thought about doing a Regency? And I was like, I LOVE THEM and then my brain was like zap pow Bridgerton Experience ratafia zap. I’m using a pen name since these are a little different than anything else I’ve done before.
So, now you know the next eight things on my schedule after Mr. & Mrs. Witch (March! It’s up on Edelweiss! Jen DeLuca has already blurbed it which made me !!!!!! because I’m obsessed with her books). To recap: The Frame-Up (heist novel, which I’m finishing now) and a second fantasy for adults with Del Rey; the Wayward Sisters series; and The Youngbloods, a trilogy of Audible original novellas with Kami Garcia and Sam Humphries that we’re almost done writing! (Is any of this on my website? SHUT YOUR FACE. I’ll update it after I turn in The Frame-Up.)
This is by far the most things under contract I’ve ever had at one time and it’s extremely comforting — if you don’t know, I’m coming up on the 10th anniversary of the publication of my first book next month. I think that kid is doing okay.
Of course, much of this week has been dominated by John Maher’s absolutely STELLAR live tweet of the PRH/S&S v. DOJ trial:

I’m sorry if anyone thought this business fundamentally made any sense.

Anyway, even as a long-time publishing nerd, there have been some shockers — not just in how things have been portrayed or discussed, but there are NO BUDGET CAPS at PRH?

No, I’m not worried about tweeting about the trial. My agent Kate is on the witness list for the government. And I bet she’s going to talk very good sense. (When I found this out, I was like I AM SO PROUD TO WORK WITH YOU.)
Anyway, tossing out an open q and a thread — for discussion/questions/screams into the void or what-have-you. Open through the weekend. Feel free to make recommendations and talk about rainbows or kittens instead of the industry. Or come hang out on Mur’s twitch channel tonight and every Thursday this month as a few of us get up to some cozy RPG time.
so exciting!!!!!!!!
(also I've been following the PRH/S&S v. DOJ stuff and hoo boy it is A. LOT.)
Something that’s always bugged me, that I bet you have an opinion on, is the respect afforded to DIY musicians vs indie authors. It seems like within their respective industries, musicians are held up as examples, and indie authors are scoffed at. Do you have a sense of why that might be?
I guess it’s only slightly related to this topic.