For twenty years of Friendsgiving with smart and kind people.

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That's lovely.

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I always have so much to be thankful for, but this Thanksgiving is catching me after a super rough time and in the middle of a fibromyalgia flare up, so enumerating them is more challenging than it normally is. Today, I'm grateful for the Amazon prime original series from Studio Ghibli, Ronja the Robber's Daughter. My kid is really enjoying it and it's nice to snuggle up and watch together.

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Hugs on the flare and the difficult time, and glad for the snuggles.

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Thankful that though this year has been a rough one that I am doing a better job supporting myself, and valuing resilience and recovery more than in the past.

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That is HUGE and I'm right there with you, so fist-bump to us both. And may the new year bring us brighter days.

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What a gift to have your grandmother’s recipe! The other day at my mom’s house, I was flipping through her mother’s Settlement Cookbook, and discovered my grandma’s blintz recipe taped in the back. She made such good blintzes, which we’d keep in the freezer for the next blintz emergency. I’m excited to try my hand at them sometime soon.

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Oh, that is SO exciting! You must give us a blintz report. A treasure rediscovered.

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As I told my husband last night, we are better now than we were six months ago and that is something to be very grateful for. Navigating a small business thru all the post-Covid financial fallout has been intense this year and our son was also ill since late 2022. But yesterday, our hairdresser confirmed that it's not all wishful thinking....his hair really is growing back! (Thyroid disease flare-up that began in 2022.) He found a great new doctor who listens to him, plus our "bonus" child (his best friend who has been living with us for 4 years) is navigating college well, and we have a plan for the next step in our business. Nothing's perfect, but it's better.....I'm so grateful that everything and everyone is better.

I am delighted to know that down there in KY, you are cooking and eating with your mom - happiest of holidays, dear Gwenda.

(Also - to Kimberly - yea for all things Studio Ghibli!)

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I love hearing that things are on the upswing for y'all. Thinking all the good thoughts for you!

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