Jan 5Liked by Gwenda Bond

I am so sorry about your mom but glad to hear she is recovering.

Good grief with your ankle. I hope this is the last bit of the awful 2023 you've had and things only get better going forward.

Holiday is a great movie isn't it? Second to Bringing up Baby in my list (there is no better screwball comedy known to man. A good friend hated it and I was really upset. How are we friends?? We don't talk about that though!).

I hope The Frame-Up tour goes well! I lucked out on Net Galley and read an ARC. It is fantastic. So much fun. I pre ordered from your friend's bookstore and this time actually remembered to put the name in the notes (I didn't do that for Mr&Mrs Witch).

Happy New Year. I hope it is much much better than the last one.

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2023 be damned! You are on to bigger and better things (no, I do NOT mean your ankle!)! The surgery will be successful and without incident, and the tour will be a success - I have decreed it! ❤️ And I’m wishing only good things for you this year ❤️

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Jan 5Liked by Gwenda Bond

The Philadelphia Story is my favorite pairing of theirs, followed closely by Bringing Up Baby and Holiday. Comedies from that era were just so sharp, fast, and witty.

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omg GWENDA I just caught up on the hot lava of misery that you are referring to and of course this goddamn fibula and I'm sending all the love and good vibes to you and your mom! Glad she's doing better. 2023 can go to hell!!! Here's to an improved 2024. <3

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